Friday, May 28, 2010

White fire meditation

So, it's 1.00pm on Saturday - I can either walk back into the dark house and clean it or jump in the car and drive north, into the sun.  Not much of a choice, really.

I end up at Melaleuca, an eco-backpackers' resort at Anna Bay, Port Stephens, complete with it's own orphan kangaroo hopping about helping strangers become friends. 

I arrive late afternoon and after one false start locate the beach with a warm rock to sit on that would catch the last of the afternoon sun - of course, I can't sit still once I see the golden light.

Later that night beer and chocolate nuts see me watching movies and chatting with international travellers taking time out from jobs in international development, mental health and being online whizz-kids.  A proper backpackers holiday, only in 24 hours or less!

Next morning, white fire meditation in sand dunes - pure, vast. 

A swim in a buffeting ocean and a wander around markets in my cossies with sea salt skin and sand everywhere.  Arrive home 4.00pm Sunday afternoon, walking slowly and smiling from the inside.

How's the location of this cafe?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

First exhibition - 'Summer Salon' at the North Sydney Community Centre

Well, it took a while, but here are some pics from my very first exhibition in November last year.

It was wonderful to be surrounded by some of my favourite pieces and then to stand back and watch while others wandered through, stopping here and there.

Thanks to everyone who supported and encouraged me along the way (Suzanne, Phillipa, Anne-Marlene, Jason, Simon) and others who were also able to stop by on the day - Janine with Hans and your two gorgeous children running about, Lyn D, Megan E, Luke, Peter M, Kali, Arianne, Ruth, Lynne and Robert, Terence-Liam and I know there are more who's names aren't in my head right now.  And to new friends I met on the day.

Thanks also to Lucy at the Community Centre for making it such a fun project to plan for - for anyone interested in seeing or being an emerging artist, this is the link for Changeable art

Also, to Gavin M who debuted with me, showing incredible photographic art of the crazy duststorm day - thanks so much for your comraderie and very practical support - it's hard to see in hindsight how it would have all come together without that.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Late afternoon tide ..

Sitting cross-legged, facing the ocean, comforted by the gentle hum, the scale .. all a fading blue .. and then the golden streak .. I'm awake and dancing, fencing with my camera, in and out of the golden streak.